Tuesday, August 26, 2008

ah the joys of AdCo

It's incredible how my boring life can suddenly be filled with insane situations. I suppose these situations aren't so insane because I knew they were bound to occur, however, I wasn't expecting them to occur so quickly. Saturday I caught two of my girls in the rooms...smoking. Seriously, what kind of logic was used there? "Oh, hey, let's go smoke some cigarettes in a dorm room and let the smell permeate the entire dorm." Really? Think much? So we've been in meetings the last few days as far as punishment goes. At least it gave me something to do....

My productivity level today was superb. It was my day off so after AdCo this morning I watched a movie, did some hard-core shopping, and joined a gym. Then I worked out. Prime. After dinner, I took two of my darling girls to Jamba Juice, which is possibly the best smoothie place ever. I <3>

Oh, hey, guess what time it is! Nearly midnight. And guess what time I have to wake up? 5:25. And I still have to shower before I sleep. Tis the life of a dean. But it is on this note, however, that I will say goodnight. I will write again soon when my days aren't so crazy. This may be the last you hear from me...



Anonymous said...

I didnt know you were deaning! :) thats exciting!! I'm guessing you went there with Kristi? Have fun being a dean :)


ginger. said...

i think tomorrow is the first day we won't have some type of meeting. yay.

today i slept, went to staff meeting, slept, played wii and now i'm going to make supper before actually doing some work and then going back to sleep. sleep in as late as you can tomorrow. you'll need it. 18-19 hour suck!