Thursday, August 21, 2008

utter and total boredom...

So. I have nothing to do. Take that back. I could find things to do, if i really wanted to.
And sure, there are things I need to do that I don't want to, but I feel like there isn't much to do. 
Confused? I am. 
So I put some more pictures up on my picasa, so you should definately check THOSE out. would be fab! 

Last night I had my first exciting experience as a dean; I had to take a girl to the emergency room! She wasn't hurt or anything, just feeling faint and dizzy so her mom wanted us to get her to the emergency room. It was still fun. Made me feel useful! She turned out to be ok, which was a very good thing. At least I knew my way to the hospital...

until later, dean bethany

1 comment:

k2conklin said...

how can you be bored with all the love birds, the crazy koreans, homesick cranky freshman, peanut butter jelly time sing-a-longs and Ad council meetings every morning? and of course nick and matt and matt and jesse... :p